Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Hell Yea.. It's Celebs with Doggie Faces !

Diposting oleh Serendipity di 22.15 0 komentar
Booooo..... hehe dogemoticon , lagi mood corat-coret nih, biasa pengangguran (padahal lagi skripsweet).. well, pada percaya gak kalo ada wajah binatang yang mirip ama manusia atau bahkan wajah manusia mirip binatang, meskipun hanya sekilas???, ada sih binatang jadi-jadian atau manusia jadi-jadiandogemoticon. heuh bukan itu maksudnya, maksudnya adalah wajah manusia yang tanpa di sadari terkadang sekilas memiliki ekspresi yang mirip ama binatang. kayak dedek ini nih.

mbak cantik ini

Bayi yang tak berdosa ini

itu beberapa contoh kemiripan ekspresi manusia dengan binatang, gimana kalo kita samain ekspresi atau wajah para celeb korea dengan ekspresi dari doggie alias gu-guk alias Anj*ng (sengaja disensor biar ga ngomong jorok, haha)

T-ara's Eunjung
So sweet yahhh
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Big Bang's G-Dragon
Kalo ini sih cool gimana gitu..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

G-Dragon Lagi
weeitsss rambutnya men...
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Kim Bum Soo
Hahahah Bum soo miripppp bangetttdogemoticon
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Yang Hyun Suk
Emmm apa yang mirip ya
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

eeehhh mirip-mirip, sodara beda spesies haha
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

mmmm.... ga bisa ngomong apa-apa kalo liat foto ini bawaan pengen gw mingkemin aja, ga tau kenapa rahang gw berasa kaku.
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

MBLAQ's Thuder
ouuuu.. wajahnya kayak tanpa dosa..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Big Bang's Taeyang
GEMESSSS.... euy 
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Infinite's Sungjoong
Mirip ga sih ???
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Seo In Guk
Yang foto atas mirip, yang foto bawah maksa deh kayaknya :D
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

pertama kali liat nih foto, gw langsung ngerasa ga TEGA 
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

No Hong Chul
Nahhh ini mirip nih asli.. kayaknya sepersusuan ini.. oopss hoho..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

No Hong Chul
Tuh kan apa gw bilang, sepersusuan nih kayaknya..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Kim Su Ra dan Park Myung Soo
kayak anj*ng nya Tin-tin deh yang kanan ..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Lee Min Hoo
sekali lagi gw hanya bilang ga TEGA, tega bener yang nyamain nih orang kece 
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Kim Hyun Joong
God... ji hoo..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Shinee's Jong Hyun
nah loo dilirikin..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

mirip ini.. ekspresinya dapet ..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

ZE:A's Hyungshik
maksa dehh...
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Yoon Eun Hye
 Muiiiriiippppp .....
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers


Sabtu, 02 November 2013

SM TOWN Halloween Party

Diposting oleh Serendipity di 08.24 0 komentar
I'm back i'm back i'm back haha , lama ya gak ketemu , sampek eyang subur uda punya istri 10, syahrini uda konser di zimbabwe, dance pocongnya farhat abbas booming ngalain gangnam style, sampek "bahasa vicky" uda masuk EYD . aduhh uda lama banget yaaa rasanya, kemana aja gueehh #LebayAlaSyahrini

buat ngerayain kembalinya gue + halloween, gue mau ngadain party nih, kebetulan sobat-sobat gue dari SMTOWN pada dateng nih yay .lol. Let's enjoy the partaaiyy !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
who are u ??? " I'm Key hoho"

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
foto kita berdua dongggg..!!!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
AB Three versi cowok..

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
hey,paman pengacara di AGD, bener gak??

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
keep smile gaya cool ala amber..

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
peace ahh ...

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
aq cute yyaa  ^^

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
kangta ???

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
malu-malu mau ^^

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
"liat nih idung gue, kece kan, baru oplas kemarin"

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
foto bareng yukk !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
V sign 

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
minggir gak, gw pukul nih !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
mangap dulu ah, abis makan hexos nih, haah!!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
foto 180 derajat, narsis beud !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
we are the most handsome guys in town !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
poto kita lagi dongg ^^

source: Soompi

Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Hell Yea.. It's Celebs with Doggie Faces !

Booooo..... hehe dogemoticon , lagi mood corat-coret nih, biasa pengangguran (padahal lagi skripsweet).. well, pada percaya gak kalo ada wajah binatang yang mirip ama manusia atau bahkan wajah manusia mirip binatang, meskipun hanya sekilas???, ada sih binatang jadi-jadian atau manusia jadi-jadiandogemoticon. heuh bukan itu maksudnya, maksudnya adalah wajah manusia yang tanpa di sadari terkadang sekilas memiliki ekspresi yang mirip ama binatang. kayak dedek ini nih.

mbak cantik ini

Bayi yang tak berdosa ini

itu beberapa contoh kemiripan ekspresi manusia dengan binatang, gimana kalo kita samain ekspresi atau wajah para celeb korea dengan ekspresi dari doggie alias gu-guk alias Anj*ng (sengaja disensor biar ga ngomong jorok, haha)

T-ara's Eunjung
So sweet yahhh
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Big Bang's G-Dragon
Kalo ini sih cool gimana gitu..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

G-Dragon Lagi
weeitsss rambutnya men...
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Kim Bum Soo
Hahahah Bum soo miripppp bangetttdogemoticon
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Yang Hyun Suk
Emmm apa yang mirip ya
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

eeehhh mirip-mirip, sodara beda spesies haha
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

mmmm.... ga bisa ngomong apa-apa kalo liat foto ini bawaan pengen gw mingkemin aja, ga tau kenapa rahang gw berasa kaku.
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

MBLAQ's Thuder
ouuuu.. wajahnya kayak tanpa dosa..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Big Bang's Taeyang
GEMESSSS.... euy 
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Infinite's Sungjoong
Mirip ga sih ???
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Seo In Guk
Yang foto atas mirip, yang foto bawah maksa deh kayaknya :D
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

pertama kali liat nih foto, gw langsung ngerasa ga TEGA 
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

No Hong Chul
Nahhh ini mirip nih asli.. kayaknya sepersusuan ini.. oopss hoho..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

No Hong Chul
Tuh kan apa gw bilang, sepersusuan nih kayaknya..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Kim Su Ra dan Park Myung Soo
kayak anj*ng nya Tin-tin deh yang kanan ..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Lee Min Hoo
sekali lagi gw hanya bilang ga TEGA, tega bener yang nyamain nih orang kece 
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Kim Hyun Joong
God... ji hoo..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Shinee's Jong Hyun
nah loo dilirikin..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

mirip ini.. ekspresinya dapet ..
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

ZE:A's Hyungshik
maksa dehh...
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers

Yoon Eun Hye
 Muiiiriiippppp .....
[Gallery] Lee Minho, G-Dragon, Yoon Eun Hye, IU, Plus Others and Their Doggie Dopplegangers


Sabtu, 02 November 2013

SM TOWN Halloween Party

I'm back i'm back i'm back haha , lama ya gak ketemu , sampek eyang subur uda punya istri 10, syahrini uda konser di zimbabwe, dance pocongnya farhat abbas booming ngalain gangnam style, sampek "bahasa vicky" uda masuk EYD . aduhh uda lama banget yaaa rasanya, kemana aja gueehh #LebayAlaSyahrini

buat ngerayain kembalinya gue + halloween, gue mau ngadain party nih, kebetulan sobat-sobat gue dari SMTOWN pada dateng nih yay .lol. Let's enjoy the partaaiyy !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
who are u ??? " I'm Key hoho"

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
foto kita berdua dongggg..!!!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
AB Three versi cowok..

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
hey,paman pengacara di AGD, bener gak??

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
keep smile gaya cool ala amber..

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
peace ahh ...

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
aq cute yyaa  ^^

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
kangta ???

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
malu-malu mau ^^

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
"liat nih idung gue, kece kan, baru oplas kemarin"

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
foto bareng yukk !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
V sign 

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
minggir gak, gw pukul nih !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
mangap dulu ah, abis makan hexos nih, haah!!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
foto 180 derajat, narsis beud !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
we are the most handsome guys in town !!

SM Entertainment Holds Halloween Party to Celebrate 5th Anniversary of “SMTOWN Live Tour”
poto kita lagi dongg ^^

source: Soompi



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